Important Weakauras, Addons and Macros

Nothing is more valuable for healers then having a strong UI. Make sure to play around with different UIs until you find the one that is perfect for you. For those over you interested, my entire UI is available on Wago UI Packs to anyone that subs to my Twitch, Patreon or Discord! Or check out my list below of the most important weakauras, addons and macros that you'll need to be competitive in Mythic+.
Important Weakauras
There are a few weakauras that make a world of difference when it comes to performing well in Mythic+.
Targeted Spells

This weakaura will display an icon on your party frames whenever a dangerous spell is being cast on someone. This is essential for any healer who wants to push keys regardless of class, as it keeps you aware of exactly who is being targered by what so you can take preemptive action. This will also draw a red line between you and any mob that is targeting you with a dangerous ability so you can see where you're being targeted from.

Beacon Reminder

Every holy paladin in the world has realized halfway through a fight that they forgot Beacon of Light at least once. Use a weakaura to prevent this tragedy.

Aura Reminder

ALWAYS HAVE YOUR AURA SET TO DEVOTION DURING DUNGEONS. It's very easy to forget to swap or activate Devotion Aura at the start of a dungeon, which would be disastrous for pretty much any key difficulty. Use to remind you to set your correct Aura in different content (Devotion for raids/dungeons/arenas, Concentration for RBGs, and Crusader for World content).

Holy Power Tracking

This is my custom weakaura for tracking Holy Power and Of Dusk & Dawn, great for if you want a custom visualization of your Holy Power.

Holy Paladin CD Ability Tracking

These are my own custom weakauras for tracking things important Holy Paladin abilities like Wings, HA, Divine Toll, Aura Mastery, etc. Not required but it's definitely helpful!

Consumables Tracker

This is another weakaura I made that checks whether you have food, flask, armor kit and weapon oils applied.

Dungeon Frontals

This is my personal weakaura that simply adds a loud sound effect to any frontal that happens in a dungeon. For those who find audio cues helpful this is a very lightweight weakaura that will help ensure you never die to the most dangerous avoidable mechanics.

Spell Cooldowns on Nameplates

Spell cooldowns are especially important for healers to know when damage is incoming. Use this weakaura to display the internal cooldowns of trash mobs' major abilities next to their nameplates.

Important Addons
OmniCD (Party CDs and Interrupt Tracker)

If you want to get better at mythic+ you absolutely have to track your allies defensive cooldowns and interrupts. Make sure you grab this addon so you can know what to call for from your friends available cooldowns, as well as help to call out interrupts or know if any dangerous cast will be going through so you can prep devo/sac/bubble.

Mythic Dungeon Tools

Mythic Dungeon Tools (MDT) is essential to any group that wants to push Mythic+. Use it to plan out your routes before starting a dungeon, check out mob mechanics / health pools and much more.

ElvUI, Vuhdo or Grid

These are the most popular raid frame addons and I highly suggest using one of them to replace default Blizzard frames. I personally use Vuhdo and you can find my profile here, but all of them are great options so it's really just personal preference.

KUI Nameplates or Plater

Using a nameplate addon is all but required for pushing Mythic+ as it allows you to see debuffs, casts and buffs much easier then default Blizzard frames. These two are the most popular options with KUI being easier to setup and Plater being more customizable.

Mythic Plus Timer or GottaGoFast

Having a quality dungeon timer is very important when pushing keys and these two are the most popular dungeon timers in WoW.


This addon simply increases the maximum distance you can zoom out in game, which is critical to any player who wants to play competitively so they can have a wider field of view.

Important Macros

Your most commonly used macros are called Mouseover Macros, which will cast a spell at the friendly target you have your mouse over, or your target if you don’t have a mouseover, or yourself if you have neither a mouseover nor a target. Remember though that most mouseovers should be handled by either an addon or in game mouseover settings. Use these macros as needed:

Mouseover Macro Example
/cast [@mouseover, help] Holy Light; Holy Light

Standard Holy Shock Mouseover (defaults to target if no mouseover)
/cast [@mouseover, exists][] Holy Shock

Automatic Crusader Strike Macro
#showtooltip crusader strike
/cast [harm] crusader strike
/stopmacro [harm]
/cast crusader strike

Set Focus on Mouseover and Mark It (crucial for M+ kick coordination)
/focus [@mouseover,exists][]
/run if not GetRaidTargetIndex("focus") then SetRaidTarget("focus",4) end

Kick Focus if Set, Otherwise Kick Target
#showtooltip Rebuke
/cast [@focus, harm][] Rebuke

Thanks for reading!! If you have any more in depth or specific questions, come stop by the stream or join the discord and ask me anytime. Finally, if you are able to, please help support the site so I can continue updating and creating new features for WingsIsUp!